Welcome to MyContactQR

Welcome to MyContacQR, the easiest solution for Elctronic Business Cards (Vcards). We provide programmable QRcodes, the QR codes are permanent but you can change your informations through your profile page, the perfect solution for those ones who need to print large quantities. These QR codes are different from all others, old QR codes can't store dynamic informations, for example if you change your phone number you had to print new business cards but with these ones you can just update your informations without altering the QR code, you can customize your QR code with colors and logos, make as many QR codes as you want, they all will work with the informations you save on your profile.
We also provide redirect to URL function for those ones who need a QR code that redirects to their website and also Geolocation, Phone Call, Send Text Message, Send E-mail, Skype Call.

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